What we believe.
God the Father.
Creator of heaven and earth, who made man in His own image and likeness.
The Holy Trinity.
The three persons of the Godhead; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. These three are one.
The virgin birth.
Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Jesus was crucified and died for the sins of mankind on the cross at Calvary, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day. He ascended into Heaven and is forever seated at the right hand of the Father.
The Holy Spirit.
The Comforter and Teacher who dwells within us, uniting us to Jesus Christ.
The baptism of water.
Immersion to signify identification with the death and resurrection of Jesus in obedience to Christ’s command.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The free a free gift for all believers, evidenced by speaking in unknown tongues.
A gift from God by grace through faith in Jesus Christ; that all who believe in Him may be saved by turning from sin through repentance and accepting Jesus as Lord and personal Saviour.
The second coming of Christ.
Jesus will come again to earth in glory and the dead in Christ will rise and those who are alive will be translated into the presence of God for eternity.
The Holy Bible.
The infallible and authoritative word of God.